Resource Calendars (Google)
SLCS will be using the Resource Calendars on Google for room and resource reservations.
To add a Resource Calendar (that you have access to), please do the following:
Go to Google Calendar - make sure you are logged in with your school Google account.
On the left side next to Other Calendars, click the + button.
Click Browse Resources.
Under Resources, choose the Resource Calendar you wish to add. Currently, only the STREAM Lab calendar is listed.
Click the <- next to Settings at the top left to get back to your calendar.
To add an event on the Resource Calendar:
At top left, click Create - Event.
Enter the time and event title.
Choose the resource calendar you added from above.
Please do not remove any of the exisiting events from the calendar
If you enter a time that overlaps an existing event, your event will not be recorded.