Staff Demographics
In order for the school to run NCEA reports, we have to make sure some information is correct in RenWeb. As a staff member, you can edit this information yourself. Please review the steps below to make sure your NCEA information is correct.
Login to RenWeb
Click the Hamburger Menu
Click Staff (New)
Select your name in the list
Click the Staff Contact tile
Click the Birth tab
Please make sure the following fields are correct
Race - Choose from the list. If you are Hispanic, choose White (ask your principal if you have any questions on this)
Ethnicity - Choose either Hispanic or Non-Hispanic
IMPORTANT: Click the Save icon at the bottom right.
Once that is done, click on the Religion link in the far right column
Check the Denomination field. If it is NOT correct, click the X to the right and then choose the correct one.
IMPORTANT: Click the Save icon at the bottom right.
That is all that is required for the NCEA report. However, it would be a great idea to explore the different areas in the Staff screen and make sure your information is correct. For instance, you can click on the Education link and enter your schooling information. You can also click on the Demographics link and make sure your information is correct.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!