Planbook Help
Planbook Knowledge Base - how to's and video tutorials

Planbook Setup
Watch this short screencast to show you how to start the new year.
Adding New Subject Standards
In order to view new subject/framework areas, please follow these steps:
1. Click to open a lesson
2. Click the Standards tab
3. Click the + button
4. The upper-left box is the Framework, and directly to the right is the Grade, beneath that is the Subject.
5. Make sure Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston is selected for the Framework.
6. Choose your grade level.
7. Click the + button next to the Subject box.
6. Scroll through the list to locate your desired subjects. Click on them to select them. Note: please choose the subjects ending with 2022.
7. Click the checkmark in the upper-right to make your choices available from the dropdowns