

Because Flourish is not currently rostered or SSO'd with ClassLink, we have to create the student accounts manually and use ClassLink's Password Locker. This means that each year, teachers will need to add students from a pool of students to their respective classes. Students will not be able to get to the textbook online if they are not added to the teacher's class. To do this:

If your student is new and not on this list, you can add them manually

Students will log in to Flourish from ClassLink using their school Google account email address as the username and saints123 as the common password.


Make sure that you use ClassLink to get to Flourish (in the Textbook folder). When you click on Flourish for the first time, you should be prompted for a username and password that will be placed in your password locker. The username is your Google account email address. The password is saints123. If you enter that information correctly, you should be logged in and you won't be prompted to enter it again. If it does not, then you will need to delete the password locker for Flourish and try again.

To fix that, simply go to the app in question, right mouse click, click Edit Password. On the next screen, you will see an entry called Default. To the right of that, you will see a red X. Click that to remove the password locker for this app. Then go back and try the app again being sure to type the correct username and password. For a quick video tutorial, please click HERE